Is Your Dog Sick?

The normal temperature of a healthy dog is about 101-102 F. The best times to walk a dog during hot days is either early in the morning and early evening, walking a dog in the middle of a hot day might make your dog have a heat stroke.
dog teaches boy

Since your dog can’t talk, it’s important to know when your dog is sick.

The normal temperature of a healthy dog is about 101-102 F. The best times to walk a dog during hot days are either early in the morning or early evening, walking a dog in the middle of a hot day might make your dog to have a heat stroke.

If your puppy or dog shows any of the following signs, you may need to see a vet.

• Eyes: swelling, discharge, redness
• Nose: running, crusting, discharge
• Ears: discharge, debris, odor, twitching, scratching, shaking
• Coughing, gagging, sneezing, retching, or vomiting
• Irregular breathing, shortness of breath, prolonged or heavy panting
• Intestinal activity
• Color and consistency of bowel movement
• Frequency of defecation
• Bloody stool
• Change in amount of food intake
• Change in body weight
• Change in water intake
• Urine: color, frequency, amount, straining, dribbling, odor
• Behavior: depression, anxiety, fatigue, lethargy, sleepiness, trembling, stumbling.

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